Personal Consulting and Coaching

Family Ties

Some situations have become difficult problems because the doing, and some of the habits of mind connected to that doing, aren’t working anymore and are also connected to ways of seeing reality that people can be fiercely, unreasonably loyal to - despite clear as day evidence to the contrary.
It's more common than you might think that encounters between exes in public can generate a ton of anxiety and trepidation.
When you were a kid, you probably spent hours outside and unsupervised. It’s not that way anymore

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Workplace Coaching and Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s) are tools managers should be aware of and utilize to deal with situations in which all the stakeholders are good people, but the problems can’t simply be ignored.

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Highly Intelligent People Can Also Struggle and Need Help

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Small business, addicted employee: a potentially big problem

Ask Shaun