Personal Consulting and Coaching

90 for 90

What is 90 for 90?

I was defintely in a lighthearted mood when I named it “90 for 90.” It means 90 minutes of telephone consultation for $90. But I really didn’t mean it to sound flippant. It’s a big deal when anyone realizes they need a  resource outside of themselves to help things move forward toward a better outcome.

My “90 for 90” service is an excellent starting point. It’s a solid “brainstorming” to proceed from, on the way to genuine improvement in the situation needing to be addressed.  I pick my words carefully because I want especially to include people who are not looking to be patients or clients themselves, but who have responsibilities to be there for others – whether involving family, the workplace, or relationships generally.

A good example might be the mother who used “90 for 90” to consult with me about her child, currently having severe problems in school, and realizing, this time around, that she really needs to interact better with her child, and actually work with the school, and her “ex” – whose positive engagement would be crucially helpful.

I like the 90 minute length because it allows the conversation to be stretched out, not squeezed: the situation can be laid out, there are reactions, then responses to those reactions, new questions, general conclusions, and clear, concrete next steps. One and done. No pitch for more services.

It works very well.

I would love to hear from you!