New Statesman | Think before you act: against the modern cult of spontaneity
Amen. Amen. Amen. New Statesman | Think before you act: against the modern cult of spontaneity. This is one of the major “themes” of my work. Too many people “do” before they think about why they’re doing it – and then are shocked at the consequences. Shaun Kieran (207) 767-3864
“Thank God It’s Monday”: Funny, if it wasn’t also so sad
In many ways my job, being “helpful,” has gotten slightly easier. That’s not because the problems themselves have become less difficult or complex. It’s that people can go much longer than ever just pushing through their stress, waiting until they’re totally saturated, before they finally (maybe) ask themselves how they got into the situation they’re […]
Persistent truth: 12-step programs quietly serve
I’m recalling the moment. It’s probably around 1983. I’m getting very warm behind my eyes as I’m reading one of those dog-eared, two-page sheets listing the characteristics associated with being the Adult Child of an Alcoholic (ACOA). For most of my life until then, I’d been pretty much sealed-over, protecting both family privacy and my […]
Why You Hate Work –
My friend Rik pointed me to this article. Why You Hate Work – Excerpt: Feeling cared for by one’s supervisor has a more significant impact on people’s sense of trust and safety than any other behavior by a leader. Employees who say they have more supportive supervisors are 1.3 times as likely to stay […]
Little Children and Already Acting Mean –
This is a growing cultural tendency I wish we could stop in its tracks. It’s as serious as an out-of-control deficit. Little Children and Already Acting Mean – Parents are teachers. Teach kindness and empathy – please. Shaun Kieran (207) 767-3864
Adam Grant’s Give and Take: A theory that says generous people do better at work than selfish ones.
A nice article that confirms what we want to be true. A regrettable reality is that human services workplaces are not loaded with “givers.” They’re there, but not in droves. There are far more “matchers” and “takers” (to use the article’s parlance.) Sadly, actual behavior at work adapts to the workplace culture – and despite the […]
A Conversation about “Futurism” – and possible futures.
Jay and I have enjoyed our conversations from the day we met. Rather than be too fussy about editing perfection, here’s our “first draft” – setting the tone for what will be coming. Click play: [display_podcast] Shaun Kieran (207) 767-3864
90 for 90 goes viral! (Well…hopefully)
Here’s an audio about my famous 90 for 90 service: [display_podcast] I’ve also just done a YouTube video about it And here’s the audio transcript: Hi – I’m Shaun Kieran and it’s a big moment for anyone when they come to the conclusion that the situation they’re dealing with has reached the point where […]
One-sided coparenting: coping with an uncooperative ex
Here’s an audio about a recurrent theme of mine: [display_podcast] Below is the transcript: I’ve had friends and colleagues who were absolutely fabulous examples of co-parenting, and I’ve also worked professionally with scores of divorced couples and individuals working hard and succeeding at being able to cooperate, communicate, and share parenting their kids. Sadly however, […]
Trigger Warnings Have Spread from Blogs to College Classes. That’s Bad | New Republic
Trigger Warnings Have Spread from Blogs to College Classes. That’s Bad | New Republic. “Trigger warnings” are not just ridiculous, they’re embarrassingly stupid and sad: ignorant of actual human psychology (trauma) and essentially is all about spreading political correctness. Here’s another article about this pathetic tendency in Reason. Shaun Kieran (207) 767-3864