One Good Conversation
The idea behind 90 for 90 As I look back over the various client-contact moments and sessions – going all the way back to the beginning of my professional career – I’m looking to see clearly the elements that were crucial to the best outcomes. I can’t get past the conclusion that the first contact […]
A Happy Coparenting Client

Awhile back, not too long before the pandemic got started, I was in the grocery store and ran into an ex-client. As I usually do, I got my poker face on and looked off into the middle distance, but she came right over to me, gave me a nice hug and said how great it […]
Is Divorce Bad For Children?
I agree with the author of this honest article: Is Divorce Bad For Children? (Of course, it is.)
My Actual Niche: Frontline Consultant
Prevailing wisdom says that coaches are supposed to be generalists, but paradoxically, they’re also strongly advised to have a “niche” – preferably more than one, if possible. As many who know me will attest, I’m a generalist if there ever was one, and the human condition is my overall subject. Despite it being an age […]
Jackie’s Version
According to Jackie, he should at least get some credit for acknowledging he could “sometimes be a bit of a player.” He was telling me this as we sat at the picnic table outside the Facilities Management building on the Thursday before his final day at work. He’d resigned rather than be terminated. Jackie has […]
Learning Is Not For Sissies

Some situations have become difficult problems because the doing, and some of the habits of mind connected to that doing, aren’t working anymore and are also connected to ways of seeing reality that people can be fiercely, unreasonably loyal to – despite clear as day evidence to the contrary.
Pandemic Wisdom: Individuals and Personal Consulting
Here’s an audio (posted in the Spring of 2020) for folks who are listening to everything coming at them about the pandemic, but have private feelings about it all. Now is not the time to put unnecessary impediments between you and your best self. Start where you are and head toward where you know you […]
Emotional intelligence – the key to successful personal consulting
It’s precisely the folks who’ve been aware for awhile of a growing problem, have a sense of when it started, what its possible sources might be, what’s happened since then, and really want to understand their own part in the process – those are the people who use consultation well.
Unconditional Love Doesn’t Mean Unconditional Approval
There never was a parenting “users manual,” of course, and parenting is even more fraught than ever, but it’s still regrettable that so many parents aren’t as confident and sure-footed as they might be. Children feel and react to that reality. The inherent, unshakeable parent/child bond which includes love, dependence, hope, and duty is the […]
Are you a Micro-manager?
the key quality that “makes” someone as a manager is his or her courage and willingness to step up and take responsibility for the successful completion of the work product.