Duh: “Out of sight, out of mind,” means guaranteed disaster for parents and managers.

I ‘d hardly even bother with this seemingly obvious topic if I hadn’t just had a couple of sessions in which clients – good people, not stupid – sheepishly acknowledged that they’ve avoided situations they actually knew “awhile back” were likely to grow into bigger problems. First they avoided, then they “forgot” they were avoiding. […]

“Go Ahead, Let Your Kids Fail” – Bloomberg News

Go Ahead, Let Your Kids Fail – Bloomberg. Obviously, a provocative title.  A while back I did a post about making “better mistakes.” This article does better at exploring that idea.  It seems obvious, but there’s so much at stake these days associated with appearing to be virtually flawless. Shaun Kieran Info@ShaunKIeran.com  (207) 767-3864

‘All Joy and No Fun,’ by Jennifer Senior – NYTimes.com

‘All Joy and No Fun,’ by Jennifer Senior – NYTimes.com. This is a New York Times review of a book about modern parenting that’s getting a lot of buzz. I remember well the client, a talented professional Mom, seeking help for her unhappy son, who sadly – with embarrassment – confessed that she preferred being […]

Small business, addicted employee: a potentially big problem

My friend Rik is consulting with me as I begin using audio and video more in my posts. He brought this situation to me for my audio “comments.” Here’s his request and my reply: [display_podcast] Shaun Kieran Info@ShaunKieran.com  (207) 767-3864

Parenting – and Fighting the Right Battles

A heartwarming scene:  As friends and family dab their eyes, a 19-year-old young man, in Special Ed since middle school for both “behavioral” and “cognitive” learning disabilities, hears his name over the loudspeaker, and with unself-conscious delight in his face shuffles across the platform to loud applause.  He receives a warm hug from the principal […]

The Roots of the Government Shutdown | Stratfor

I remember several conversations in the 70’s about the benefits – and unintended consequences following from the demise – of “smoke-filled rooms” as a crucial mechanism in the political process. And George Friedman harkens to that perspective: The Roots of the Government Shutdown | Stratfor.

What actually happens when you consult with me?

Clearer thinking, less inner turmoil, and more clarity about the best way to make headway on personal goals and/or progress on real world situations – that’s actually what happens. Almost always, people get little glimmers that they ought to consult with someone, then mull it over for awhile, and finally they realize that whatever was holding […]

It’s a different road now……

She did look different as she sat down. I could tell she wasn’t in the mood for the usual pleasantries, so I just waited. With a slightly sardonic smile she said she’d just been at the school conference about her 11-year-old son who’d stopped doing any homework, and was becoming a behavior problem – at home as […]

Parenting and Honesty

I realize I’m mostly preaching to the choir here on this blog, and I also know that a lot of this stuff is fairly straightforward – but I’m increasingly worried that the “basics” on parenting just aren’t even being put out there. Here’s an audio riff that runs around 7 minutes:[display_podcast] Contact: Shaun Kieran Info@ShaunKIeran.com […]