Typical – and Unique
Almost before she sat down, Brenda had to let me know the news: “We’re done. It’s over. There’s no going back.” Her 9-year marriage had just “finally, officially” ended. For Brenda this was a major moment, and she was so ready to move on with her life. The problem was her two children were absolutely […]
My kind of consulting: the optimal connection
This audio might help someone get the gist of working online with me as his or her consultant. Please click here:[display_podcast]
Supervisor Success: Big Picture, Not Big Personality
These days, outstanding supervisors come in all shapes and sizes, male or female, type A or low-key. But there’s a common thread: the best supervisors help create an atmosphere of trust and a focus on the work. The “trust” we’re talking about is the assurance that the supervisor’s priority is the “big picture” and will […]
David Stockman takes us all to the woodshed.
Sundown in America – NYTimes.com. A true Jeremiad. I was skeptical at first, but I appreciated his passion when I was done reading. I especially liked his dismissive phrase: “the blather that passes for political discourse these days,” since one of my constant themes is the total lack of adult conversations we should be having […]
Truth Telling: When Things Aren’t What They Seem
A heartwarming scene: As friends and family dab their eyes, a 19-year-old young man, in Special Ed since middle school for both “behavioral” and “cognitive” learning disabilities, hears his name over the loudspeaker, and with unself-conscious delight in his face shuffles across the platform to loud applause. He receives a warm hug from the principal […]
Guys in the Hurt Locker
I still have a few friends with whom I can speak honestly about what I’m seeing these days and not worry about their reactions. One of the things we talk about pretty consistently is how guys are such train wrecks these days, why that is, and where we can go from here. It’s always been […]
The High Road Is the Way to Go – Truly
Everyone’s heard the phrase, “take the high road.” It usually gets said when someone’s choices are about to affect others, and may be witnessed and appreciated by a wider audience. It can sound vaguely spiritual, but it’s actually very much a “this world” approach to human interactions, a signal about one’s intentions: high-mindedness and hope. […]
“Just In Time” Consulting – the no frills approach
“Just in Time” means consulting when you need to talk to someone and when it’s most likely to serve you. This audio gets to the heart of the matter: [display_podcast] Shaun Kieran Hello@ShaunKieran.com (207) 767-3864
“Serenity Prayer” Consulting
Here’s an audio about personal consulting and the Serenity Prayer: [display_podcast] The more I do this work, the more it’s clear that it’s the “wisdom to know the difference” part that’s hard – it’s where the rubber hits the road. It asks that a person notice and remember accurately (and honestly) what has happened before – […]
Extremely Tough Workplace? Stay Focused
Going in, Diane knew that the workplace she was heading to was never going to win anyone’s “50 Best Places to Work” award – but she still wasn’t prepared for what she found when she arrived. Her experience doing the training and implementation of network software for warehouse systems had given her this seemingly golden […]