Commonsense Parenting: “Asked and Answered”
No one really thinks parenting is easy, but it also isn’t really complicated. We have nothing but respect for parents loving and and trying to help their children in the world we live in today. It’s just that we wish there was more commonsense – and learning – out there: Shaun Kieran (207) 767-3864
The decline of play in preschoolers — and the rise in sensory issues – The Washington Post
We’re losing our ability to fall back to commonsense. Here is a new post from pediatric occupational therapist Angela Hanscom, author of a number of popular posts on this blog, including “Why so many kids can’t sit still in school today,” as well as “The right — and surprisingly wrong — ways to get kids […]
When did parents get so scared? – The Boston Globe
When you were a kid, you probably spent hours outside and unsupervised. It’s not that way anymore
Successful Supervision 101: Focus on Being Effective Rather than Being Liked
A supervisor can be a friend, as long as he or she is the boss first. Some people “get” this naturally, and others have to learn from sad experience then evolve toward that.
Don’t Use “The Office” as Your Model for Workplace Culture: Know and Appreciate What Your Employees Bring to the Organization
When you’re the boss, you’re supposed to know what everyone does, and be able to connect it all to the big picture. Sure, the organizational chart is definitely worth a look. After all, someone did take the trouble to make it, and it actually is important to know how upper management sees the responsibility structure within which you’re […]
Are You Making Managing People Harder Than It Needs To Be? The Key to Being a Good Boss: Set the Example
Contrary to some academic schools of thought, successful “people management” is not a science, it’s essentially a skill. Some managers are blessed with great natural instincts for handling people, but – with a little self-nudge and a learning attitude – any manager can do just fine with colleagues and direct reports. It’s the workplace. Your […]
The Humble Learner
I was musing about being humble and the effect it has on learning. Listen to it here: [display_podcast] Shaun Kieran (207) 767-3864
Anxiety: Say More Than Just “No”
It’s always a small chuckle when someone comes out with still another version of the old truism, “If you’re not currently filled with anxiety, you’re either not paying attention – or you’re dead.” That’s a tad over-the-top, sure, but there is (obviously) a lot to be anxious about “out there.” The thing is, that’s always been […]
How Children Become Narcissists — Science of Us
How Children Become Narcissists — Science of Us. My disappointment is in the trend toward parents giving up ground and having less common sense about what’s good for their children. Shaun Kieran (207) 767-3864
Audio Invitation
Please have a listen to my “Introduction to Shaun’s Approach” audio. It’s around 2 and a half minutes: [display_podcast] Thanks. Shaun Kieran (207) 767-3864