Positive workplace evolution
Give people support and resources, and then – yes – hold them accountable.
Helping Parents Isn’t That Complex, But That Doesn’t Mean Parenting Is Easy
I’ve taken another stab at an audio about what happens when a parent talks to me about their situation. For a variety of reasons I prefer to call what we do “consultation” rather than “coaching.” Our conversations help parents be more instinctively comfortable, and – most importantly – maintain their confidence and focus on the parental […]
Exes aren’t always sure how to handle public encounters.
It’s more common than you might think that encounters between exes in public can generate a ton of anxiety and trepidation.
Even Though the Ex Continues to Be “A Real Pain” the High Road Is (Still) the Best Way to Go

This is a nice sunset.
Workplace Coaching and Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s) are tools managers should be aware of and utilize to deal with situations in which all the stakeholders are good people, but the problems can’t simply be ignored.
Add Your Heading Text Here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. One of my favorite examples illustrating the many benefits of “coaching” a line supervisor also happened because of the engagement and flexibility provided by a good Employee Assistance Program (EAP.) A supervisor who […]
Not a natural authoritarian boss? It’s not necessary.
Here’s a classic, common situation for line and new supervisors: for whatever reason, an employee has begun having trouble managing his or her feelings, it’s tending to spill out, and may be affecting customer service. From the outside it looks relatively minor. It’s not blatant or outrageous – not a firing offense – but it’s […]
You’re on a professional “desert island” when real-world, very human circumstances drastically limit available alternatives – you’re stuck.
Successful “escapees” re-frame their stuck situation — they choose to feel differently about the same circumstances.
Accused of being a Micro Manager? It might be true – and you should definitely try not to be one – but some workplaces do make that hard.
The problem is that in the real world that view tends to overlook, or at least sidestep, the issue of accountability. In many workplaces, what distinguishes a manager is his or her willingness to step up, oversee, and really take responsibility for getting the work product done.
Reflections upon a Red Cross Disaster Deployment
My recent deployment to Houston on behalf of the Red Cross was eye-opening: very sad for so many of the victims, a fair taste of how the Red Cross operates, a good use of my way of providing service and, overall, an affirmation of what’s inside human beings in a crisis. What was slightly unexpected […]
Why Being Too Busy and Too Tired To Stay on Top of Your Kids’ Behavior Ends Up Causing Problems – and What to Do About It When It’s Already Gotten Started
Here’s an MP3 I recorded to illustrate what can happen when things get away from a parent. The situation and the person are real; the name has been changed. http://springpointcoaching.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/MaryParenting2.mp3 [display_podcast] Shaun Kieran Hello@ShaunKieran.com (207) 767-3864